The Aitvaras is a species of flying dragon found in the mythology of the Baltic Regions, specifically Lithuania and Latvia. It is also known by other names, such as Atvaras, Damavykas, Pūkis, Sparyžius, Koklikas, Gausinėlis, Žaltvikšas, and Spirukas, and is identical to the Latvian Pukis. It often represented as supernatural luck-bringers and sometimes trickster spirits. Aitvarai are also described as household spirits, little demons, family guardians, goblins, and nature spirits. When injured, an Aitvaras need only touch the earth to heal itself. Appearance: An Aitvaras is an enigmatic and curious being that can take on many forms, usually based on its current environment. As a species, Aitvaras have varying descriptions. One reason is that they were renown for their ability to transform, or take on different shapes, depending on their environment. Another is that they appear across many different cultures; for example, the Aitvaras is sometimes desc...
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