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Showing posts with the label dragon

Python (long)

Character Profile Name Python (long) Other names Python, young dragon Type/Species Snake like creature, scaly creature Size Large Capacity Dominate the water creatures Color White or black or green Subtype(s) The young dragon  Parents The true dragon Children Not able to reproduce Activity cycle Live in water Diet Unknown Origin Chinese mythology Terrain The water Python (long) is a real dragon born of Zhenlong. According to legend, every dragon born must undergo 4 transformations: Python (long); Jiaolong; Chilong; Quilong; Ying long Appearance: Their appearance is often depicted as a large snake, often with a crested head, or small horns. Personality: There is no description of the properties of pythons (long). however, in my personal opinion, they have the same personality as a human child: mischievous, hyperactive and curious. Because they are a highly intelligent being, they will not have the wild, dangerous characteristics of an ordinary snake. Intellige


Character Profile Name Jiaolong Other names Jiao Type/Species Long dragon, the hornless dragon, scaly creature Size Large Capacity Dominate the water creatures Color Blue gray Subtype(s) The hornless dragon Parents The true dragon Children Unknown Activity cycle Live in the water Diet Unknown Origin Chinese mythology Terrain The water, the ground  Jiaolong is the second evolution of a true dragon. When the Python (long) evolves, the body will have scales and four legs, the head is longer, the mouth is larger, the teeth grow more and sharp, it is called Jiaolong, so Jiaolong is defined as a scaly dragon  Appearance: Jiaolong’s appearance is almost similar to that of a crocodile. Jiaolong has no horns and lives in water or rivers. They evolve into True Dragons as long as they survive the disaster. They are both strong and have the power of dragons. Some of Jiao’s descriptions are as follows: Jiao is a dragon that resembles a four-legged snake. Jiao has a small h

Yong (Mireu)

Character Profile Name Yong  Other names Mireu , ryong Type/Species Snake-like dragon, hybrid creature, scaly creature, the god. Size Huge  Capacity Bringing rain and cloud  Color blue, red, yellow, green, or brown Subtype(s) Yong wang Parents Unknown Children Eggs Activity cycle Unknown  Diet Mammals  Origin Korean mythology  Terrain The water A sky dragon, essentially the same as the Chinese lóng. Like the lóng, yong and the other Korean dragons are associated with water and weather. In pure Korean, it is also known as ‘mireu’. Appearance: In Korean, dragons are known as “yong” or “ryong.” In appearance, they can have deer antlers, a snake belly, a fish tail, claws, and whiskers. They can also be a number of colours like blue, red, yellow, green, or brown. The Korean Yong is a long thin dragon making it a subspecies of the Asian Long. They are narrower and longer than Chinese Long and can also be distinguished by having 4 toes relative to a Long’s 5 or Ryu’s


To distinguish it from the word dragon, the word that is common to all dragon subgroups below includes: Wyvern, Amphiptere, Wyrms, Drakon, Salamaner, Drake, Hydra, Serpent, I will call these dragons Primitive Dragon or Ancient Dragon. Despite being in the same group of dragons, the primitive dragons have large bodies and superior strength compared to other dragon classes. They also have outstanding intelligence and the highest status in the dragon clan, possibly equivalent to the true long – Zhenlong (Oriental Dragon) Primitive Dragon are always described that has the form of a four-legged (this is the difference between Primitive Dragon and other dragon forms) carnivorous dinosaur with two rather large hands that can be grasped, has two pointed horns, large and wide wings capable of lifting its weight in the air. It has hard-iron and supple scales that extend to its tail, no weapon can damage it, but it has weaknesses in its eyes and tongue. It can spit fire or water or other elements

Long (Chinese dragon)

Character Profile Name Long  Other names Loong, lung, Oriental dragon, Eastern dragon, Chinese dragon Type/Species Snake-like dragon, hybrid creature, scaly creature, the god Size Various sizes from large to extremely giant Capacity Individual longs will possess one or more of the following abilities: Control rain, water, wind, thunder, fire, wood, ground, metal… Color Each individual will have different colors, such as: white, black, red, blue, yellow... Subtype(s) Unknown Parents Long Children Long, jiaolong… Activity cycle Unknown Diet Unknown Origin Chinese mythology Terrain The water, the caves, the sky, the mountains The Chinese dragon, also known as the loong, long or lung (Chinese: 龍 / 龙), is a legendary creature in Chinese mythology, Chinese folklore, and Chinese culture at large. Chinese dragons have many animal-like forms such as turtles and fish, but are most commonly depicted as snake-like with four legs. They traditionally symbolize potent and


Gozuryu is a dragon that is said to have lived in a lake in Fukasawa, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture at that time. After changing his mind, he is also called Five-headed Dragon Great God. Appearance: Its appearance is that of a giant dragon with five heads. Personality: Initially, it was a cruel, ferocious dragon that harassed the villagers around where it lived. Then it was tamed and turned into a hill. Intelligence: It has high intelligence, can communicate with humans and animals. Interactions: The dragon is probably a metaphor for the water of a violent local river that is still notorious for its floods. Its five heads were probably four of the river’s tributaries plus the mouth of the river. The descent of the goddess may have been inspired by aerial phenomena such as the passage of a large meteor. Legend: The villagers were plagued for a period of a thousand-some years by a destructive, five-headed dragon (Gozuryu:五頭竜) that had its lair in a nearby lake. Aware of their suffer


The Aitvaras is a species of flying dragon found in the mythology of the Baltic Regions, specifically Lithuania and Latvia. It is also known by other names, such as Atvaras, Damavykas, Pūkis, Sparyžius, Koklikas, Gausinėlis, Žaltvikšas, and Spirukas, and is identical to the Latvian Pukis.  It often represented as supernatural luck-bringers and sometimes trickster spirits. Aitvarai are also described as household spirits, little demons, family guardians, goblins, and nature spirits. When injured, an Aitvaras need only touch the earth to heal itself.  Appearance: An Aitvaras is an enigmatic and curious being that can take on many forms,  usually based on its current environment.   As a species, Aitvaras have varying descriptions. One reason is that they were renown for their ability to transform, or take on different shapes, depending on their environment.  Another is that they appear across many different cultures; for example, the Aitvaras is sometimes described as a goblin in Lithuani

The Peluda

The Peluda in Spanish, or La Velue (‘The Hairy One’) originally in French, is a mythical reptilian monster that lives in the upper reaches of the Huisne River , and came out to terrorize the populace as far as the city of La Ferté-Bernard during the High Middle Ages, or perhaps more accurately the 15th century during the Late Middle Ages. It is closely related to the Terrestrial Dragon. It slso known as The Shaggy Beast, or La Velue, a legendary dragon from La Ferté-Bernard that shot deadly quills from its back. Appearance: Peluda has a reptilian body, four rather short legs like a turtle, a dragon’s head, and a long neck like a snake’s neck. On its back was a row of feathers extremely thick and sharp like a porcupine, but much larger. Its tail is long and barbed like a scorpion’s tail. Peluda’s body is quite large, at least more than fifteen meters long. The French sources tells that the beast was serpent-headed and serpent-tailed, ox-sized with an egg-shaped body covered in “long gre


Apep, also called Apopis, Apepi, or Rerek, ancient Egyptian demon of chaos, who had the form of a serpent and, as the foe of the sun god, Re, represented all that was outside the ordered cosmos and was thus the opponent of light and Ma’at (order/truth). Appearance: He appears in art as a giant serpent. Apep was first mentioned in the Eighth Dynasty, and he was honored in the names of the Fourteenth Dynasty king ‘Apepi and of the Greater Hyksos king Apophis While in most texts Apep is described as a giant snake, he is sometimes depicted as a crocodile. The few descriptions of Apep’s origin in myth usually demonstrate that it was born after Ra, usually from his umbilical cord. But Apep was commonly believed to have existed from the beginning of time in the waters of Nu of primeval chaos Personality: It is a powerful, cruel creature that symbolizes chaos and darkness Intelligence: undefined Legend: Ra was the solar deity, bringer of light, and thus the upholder of Ma’at. Apep was viewed a


Korean folk mythology states that most dragons were originally imugis (Korean: 이무기; RR: Imugi), or lesser dragons, which were said to resemble gigantic serpents.  Appearance: Imugi is a small dragon, shaped like a python. Another explanation states that Imugi has the form of a sea dragon, but has no legs, small horns, and cannot fly. The Imugi are far inferior to the Dragons in both physical and magical aspects. According to other accounts, Imugi was a primeval dragon Personality: They are large, benevolent, python-like creatures that live in water or caves, and their sighting is associated with good luck. Intelligence: They are also not very intelligent, and are considered the bottom class in Dragon race society. Legend: Korean folk myths say that most dragons were originally Imugis. There are a few different versions of Korean folklore depicting imugis aspiring to be full-fledged dragons. Koreans think that an Imugi can become a real dragon, or yong or mireu, if it catches a Yeouiju