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XUANWU (Black Tortoise /Northern - Black – Water /The Four Great God Beasts)

Origin: China  The four great beasts are what modern people call Qinglong, Baihu, Zhuque, Xuanwu. They are actually not divine beasts, but gods. In ancient times, they were also known as the four spirits of the sky. They are the product of the ancient star worship. The four beasts are integrated into the five elements and directions, represented by different colors: Eastern blue is wood, western white is gold, southern red is fire, northern black is water, and central yellow is soil. According to legend, Xuanwu was born in the early days of the universe. large Tortoise, surrounded by a snake. Xuanwu absorbed chaotic aura so he brought great power, to split mountains, to open the land. Xuanwul is a very ancient Chinese god. It is a god of Snake god and Tortoise Sprits, with a Tortoise -like body but surrounded by a snake. The snake itself is a symbol of fertility and proliferation, considered by the ancients as a symbol of mating, reproduction and reproduction of men and women. Whereas,

ZHUQUE (Vermilion Bird /Southern - Red – Fire /The Four Great God Beasts)

Origin: China  The four great beasts are what modern people call Qinglong, Baihu, Zhuque, Xuanwu. They are actually not divine beasts, but gods. In ancient times, they were also known as the four spirits of the sky. They are the product of the ancient star worship. The four beasts are integrated into the five elements and directions, represented by different colors: Eastern blue is wood, western white is gold, southern red is fire, northern black is water, and central yellow is soil. It is said that from the early chaos, humans and all animals did not exist, from the mass of Taiji light that split into heaven and earth and then wind, water, lightning and fire were born. Phoenix is a creature born of fire. It is the first Phoenix born in Heaven and Earth and is called Chu Tuoc to distinguish it from the great Phuong Hoang clan that was born later. Zhuque has a chicken head, a swallow chin, a snake neck, a peacock's tail, and five colors. Because the incarnation of the divine fire ca

BAIHU (White Tiger/ Western - White – Gold/ The Four Great God Beasts)

Origin: China  The four great beasts are what modern people call Qinglong, Baihu, Zhuque, Xuanwu. They are actually not divine beasts, but gods. In ancient times, they were also known as the four spirits of the sky. They are the product of the ancient star worship. The four beasts are integrated into the five elements and directions, represented by different colors: Eastern blue is wood, western white is gold, southern red is fire, northern black is water, and central yellow is soil Baihu is one of the Four Great Beasts, also born into chaos. It is shaped like a white tiger. Born in the early universe, Baihu absorbed the aura of heaven and earth. It is agile, powerful, and possesses majestic power and superior combat power, and can suppress all other creatures. Baihu has the characteristic of being patient but very definitive. Like the Dragon Dragon, when the celestial realms established it became one of the Four Great Beasts who took the responsibility of defending the West, conquerin

QINGLONG (Azure Dragon/Eastern - Blue - Wood/ The Four Great God Beasts)

Origin: China The four great beasts are what modern people call Qinglong, Baihu, Zhuque, Xuanwu. They are actually not divine beasts, but gods. In ancient times, they were also known as the four spirits of the sky. They are the product of the ancient star worship. The four beasts are integrated into the five elements and directions, represented by different colors: Eastern blue is wood, western white is gold, southern red is fire, northern black is water, and central yellow is soil Qinglong is blue. Its body resembles a giant snake with a Qilin head and a carp tail. The face has a long beard, horns like retirement, has five clams. A majestic appearance. In the West in mythology, Dragon more like lizard wings. Qinglong is one four great beasts that was born in chaos. It is due to the accumulation of celestial aura. It is the leading of the Four Great Beasts, a symbol of eternal greatness. Legend has it that Qinglong has the greatest strength, wisdom and strength because it is the combin

TÁOWÙ (The Four Evil Gods)

Origin: China Táowù is a ferocious ancient beast. It has a tiger-like body but is a fur dog. It has long feathers, a human face, tiger-like legs, and a wild boar's fangs, and a long tail. Sutra of Gods and Western Wilderness said: "The Western Wilderness has a beast that is as big as a tiger, two meters long hair, a human face, a tail of 8.5 meters long, rioting the Western Wilderness, named Táowù". Táowù is later used to refer to those who are by nature brutal, persistent in refusing to change. Legend has it: “Táowù is the son of Northern King Zhuan Xu. When he was still alive, he was incompetent, could not teach, did not choose words, told his best to be stubborn, left to stir, arrogant and brutal, often rebelled, people in the world called Táowù. Because he was a villain who could not teach, when he died he turned into the ancient magic beast - Táowù.

QIONGQI (The Four Evil Gods)

Origin: China Qiongqi is one of the most evil of the four evil gods - the ancient four great beasts. Sutra of Gods and Western Wilderness said: “The Northwest has a tiger-like, winged, flying, cannibalic animal named Qiongqi.” There are books describing Qiongqi as big as a buffalo, looking like a tiger, wearing a porcupine-like coat and growing wings. The sound of a dog howling. It eats people. When eating human flesh, It will start eating from the head of a person. This is a great evil beast. Qiongqi often appeared where there was a fight. If the people there fought for literature, it would eat it all. If the people there fight for loyalty, it will eat their noses. If the people there fought to do evil deeds, Qiongqi would donate beasts to those people, and at the same time encourage them to do more bad things. However, Qiongqi is also mentioned to be a beneficial creature. In the "Book of Etiquette and Etiquette in the Later Han Dynasty, there are records of twelve beasts that c

HUNDUN (Chaos - The Four Evil Gods)

Origin: China Hundun is an ancient evil god, in legend, one of the The Four Evil Gods (Tāotiè, Qiongqi, Táo wù, Hùndùn). It is round in shape, with a crimson body red like fire, four wings and six legs. It does not have five senses, but can understand song, dance, and music. It is also said that Hundun is a dog or a bear. Humanity has neither a vision nor a way of hearing. It used to bite itself on its tail and raise its face to the sky and laugh innocently; if he meets noble people, Hundun will drive him mad; If there is a bad guy, Hundun will respond and obey his orders. There are books that say that Hundun is like a dog-shaped animal, with long fur, bear-like four legs without claws, eyes can not open, no ears, no sleeping organs. It hates virtuous people, depends on wicked people. Called Hundun. However, in any form, Hundun is portrayed as an evil creature. If it meets a noble, talented person, it will devour him. If it meets a wicked person, it will obey that person's orders.

FENGHUANG (Chinese phoenix)

Origin: China Fenghuang were originally the mythological birds of the East Asian people influenced by Chinese civilization. It is a ruling animal above all other birds. Previously, the male was called Feng and the female was called Huang, but today, the distinction between male and female has almost disappeared and Feng and Huang have been mixed together into a female entity. is Fenghuang, so that it can pair with the Dragon, which is the animal of masculinity. The Han people often use the expression "Descendants of the Dragon" as a sign of their racial identity. In the Western world, such as English speakers, call it Chinese phoenix Phoenix bird is described with the following characteristics: chicken head, swallow jaw, snake neck, turtle back, peacock tail, 5-color wings and 6 meters high. It represents six celestial bodies that today can be understood roughly as: head is heaven, eyes are sun, back is moon, wings are wind, feet are earth and tail are planets. Its feathers r


Origin: Vietnam Nghe is a mythical animal in Vietnamese culture, it is a mascot of a combination of a lion and a ferocious dog, often used as a mascot in front of Vietnamese temples and shrines. Listen is the localized mascot Ky Lan created by the Vietnamese, different from a Qilin or a lion. Nghe is the reincarnation of a lion, in the Vietnamese style. As an animal that guarded mentally against evil and evil things. Buddhism has the image of "Buddhist Lion", which means the Buddhist lion. Being Buddha, it lessens the ferocious things, removes the beastly factor, becomes the charisma of the Buddha kingdom. The Vietnamese Listen has Indian and Buddhist nuances. Compared with the Thai and Lao lions, it is close, but compared to the Chinese lion it is different. Chinese lions are in the direction of a beast, a beast; Hear, there is the element of the summoned beast, the sacred ... In the village of North Vietnam, there is always a big rock Nghe in front of the village gate to pr

LONGMA (Dragon Horse)

Longma is the reincarnation of a Qilin, a special combination of dragons, Quilin and horses. It is a horned mascot and a dragon mane, body of a musk deer, scaly body of a Qilin, legs and hooves of a horse; "8.5 meters high, long neck, wings on either side, dipped in water without getting wet, there is an ancient map on the back". In Hue, Vietnam, the image of Longma appears most often on the screens, a "typical product" of Hue. It is a picture of a Longma with her back carrying Ha Do, her feet surfing on the water waves, her head reaching out to the clouds. Longma also appeared on the royal court and temple in the Nguyen court and is often accompanied by other mascots such as turtles, Qilins or phoenixes. In China it is often shown running on water waves. It is often understood that: Long is a dragon, a dragon rises, means toss, represents meridians, time - the code is a horse, running across, is the diaphragm, representing latitude, space. Thus, Longma represents t

QILIN (Unicorn)

Origin: from Asian countries such as China, Japan, Vietnam ... China: Qilin has a half dragon and half animal head, sometimes only one horn, so this horn is the embodiment of kindness. Qilin has elk, dog ears, camel forehead, demon eyes, lion's nose, wide mouth, horse body, deer feet, ox tail, full body scales. It is a beast in ancient Chinese myths and legends. It is a descendant of Jianma, whose ancestor is Yinglong and is often confused with Longma (Dragon Horse). In ancient China, Qilin was used as a symbol of good luck, the male beast is Qi and the female beast is the lin, it is said that it can live up to two thousand years. His personality is gentle, although his body has a weapon to attack the enemy, it does not harm people, animals, or does not step on insects, flowers, plants and plants, so it is called a benevolent beast. It is one of the Four Sprits in Chinese folklore. It is particularly respected by the Hakkas. It is often seen in festivals. Like dragons and phoenixes


Origin: from China Jiaotu is the ninth child of the Dragon. The mascot has a lazy temperament, self-contained, reclusive, carrying a shell or a snail shell, often curled up in it to sleep, not like strangers invading his territory. It is usually engraved on the door, right in the position of the handle when opened, implying to deter strangers from entering to protect the safety of the homeowner. Its mother is Tibetan Mastiff Spirit, the head is depicted like a Lion, in fact Tibetan Mastiff is the king of the Dog.

SUAN (Dragon-Headed Lion)

Origin: from China Suan is the eighth child of the Dragon. The mascot has a lion and a dragon head, but its nature is quite thoughtful and free. In particular, Suan likes to sit in quiet places, watching the incense smoke emanating from a temple in a temple. The image of Suan was cast as an ornament on the incense burning furnaces, implying the desire for the fragrance of incense always to emerge. There are books describing Suan having horse-like limbs, able to travel hundreds of miles. There are books that say, even though she has the body of a Lion, Toan Nghe is not really fierce. Normally, this summoned beast just likes to sit quietly, enjoy the smell of smoke, ... that's all ... Its mother is Lion Spirit.

JAISU (Wolf Head Dragon)

Origin: from China Jaisu is the seventh child of the Dragon. Jaisu is a scaly creature. It has dragon body, wolf head, two long backward dragon horns, and wide eyes full of murderous intent. It is a strong character, good at fighting, bloodthirsty and aggressive, always holding his sword in mouth. It is an aggressive character, often rage and eager to kill, so it is often carved on weapons such as blades, hammers, swords ... implying charisma, increasing the strength and courage of warriors battle place. Jaisu's mother is The Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit, but because of its ferocity, it is depicted with a head like Wolf. Despite being a dragon, it looks like a wolf. Its father hated it and wanted to abandon him, but fortunately, his mother begged him. “I am not a dragon, but my ambition is a dragon. Although dragons do not have the talent to summon the wind, summon the rain, clear the clouds, clear the clouds, they are also arrogant and ambitious. My father judges people by appearance, b


Origin: from China Ba xia is the sixth child of the Dragon. This mascot likes water, so it is engraved as an ornament in works or water means of transportation such as bridges, water ditches, dams, wharves, boats ... with the expectation that the merit will always be in contact. water management and supervision for the people. Mother is a Carp Spirit.

TĀOTIÈ (The Four Evil Gods)

Origin: from China Tāotiè is a divine beast capable of devouring things terribly, living from the early period when things first began to be born, with big eyes, wide mouth, strange looks, aggressive nature, greedily. Some opinions suggest that Tāotiè has a goat body, tiger teeth, big head, bright eyes, a fierce face, and a protruding nose; There was a pair of curved animal horns above his head, sometimes like goat's horns, sometimes like buffalo's horns; large mouth jutting out, teeth pointed like a saw blade, mouth slightly curved to the side, or mouth closed. Squatting, stooping, head touching the ground or riding on clouds, the two sides have a pair of sharp claws like dog or tiger claws. There are a pair of fleshy wings on the sides, shaped like ears.Tāotiè has a lifespan of up to 100 thousand years. Tāotiè's greed is sometimes described that, having devoured all things, Tāotiè swallowed itself and turned into nothingness, thus representing insatiable greed. In ancient

Bì àn

Bì àn is the fourth child of the Dragon . It was a divine beast shaped like a Tiger, with sharp fangs, and a fierce face like most of its brethren, and it was… evil. Strictly speaking, Bì àn carried a ferocious, charismatic demeanor, especially his dignified personality. Hating evil by nature - hatred for evil, Bì àn likes to participate in distractions and adjudication. Therefore, whenever you see that the bad guy wants to punish, if you see the right person, you will try to help argue to the end. With the light shining from his tiger's eyes, just looking into his eyes the bad guy seemed to be sure of his defeat. Legend has it that Bì àn not only worries about righteousness and righteousness, speaks uprightly, but can also discern right and wrong, and fair trial, plus its image of majesty and majesty. In order to borrow power from Bì àn, the face of Bì àn was carved into the front of the roadway, even inside the courtroom, above the prison gate ... implying that: once the work has

PULAO (dragon)

Origin: from China  Pulao is the third child of the Dragon . The mascot likes loud sounds, often cast on the ring with the expectation that the molded bell will sound the way it wants. Her mother is Hong. The fourth child of the Dragon, shaped like his father, but smaller, called Pulao. Pulao is said to live near the sea, likes to "sing" (to be exact, roar), the roar can echo through the sky, echoing the mountains. This animal was also mentioned by a Tang scholar named Li Shan (630-689) as follows: "In the middle of the sea there are large fish called Whales, on the coast there is a mammal called Pulao. Pulao was very afraid of whales. When Whales attacked Pulao, cried out loudly. So in order to make the bell ring, people put Pulao on top of the bell and the bell was touched with the shape of Whale " In life, it is not difficult to see the image of Pulao, especially in ancient temples. The statue of a Pulao (sometimes it will be 2 but the middle body is connected to

CHIWEN (Dragon-Headed Carp)

Origin: from China Describe: Chiwen (hornless dragon; young dragon) is the second child of the Dragon . It lives in the sea and is said to control rainfall. It is a mascot with a dragon head, wide mouth, and short body. This is the fish-like, hornless dragon with a very truncated body and large, wide mouth usually found along roof ridges (as if swallowing the roof beams). Chiwei supposedly protects against not only fires, but also floods and typhoon. Legend has it that Chiwen likes to admire the scenery and often helps people to kill fires, so they are carved as decorative objects on the roofs of ancient palaces, temples, and temples ... implying a fire suppression, peace protection for the project ... Mother is a Carp Spirit. It is a legendary animal Makara in Indian culture specializing in living in water, with a gargoyle shape, and a fish tail. Makara is the mount of Ganga - Lord of the Ganges and Varuna - Lord of the sea. This species has a big mouth, likes to swallow everything.

BIXI (Dragon-Headed Turtle)

Origin: from China Describe: Bixi is the eldest son of the Dragon , has extraordinary strength, can carry mountains on his back. It not only has the power to show the world, but also adept literature, love poetry, has a deep literary soul, understands the morality of heaven and earth. Bixi has a big, bizarre shape. it has a turtle body, a dragon's head. When living in a large sea it often turns into a large turtle. When living in a cave, he brings the body of a turtle, a dragon's head, and a dragon's limbs. When Nu Oa was looking for a pillar against the sky, met Bixi in the form of a large turtle, who himself gave Nu Oa four legs to support the sky. Among the nine children of dragon, Bixi likes to carry heavy objects, his appearance is like a turtle, his head is like a dragon. The image of turtles in folklore: Among the four spirits, turtles ranked third, after Dragon (Long), Qílín (Lan) and in front of Phoenix bird (Phung). Turtle is a symbol of nobility, is the owner of

LONG (Dragon)

 LONG (Dragon) Origin: from Asian countries such as China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam ...  Describe: A dragon is an imaginary creature composed of different creatures: • The body of the snake. • Carp scales (81 scales of yang and 36 scales of yin). • Camel head. • Deerhorn. • Lobster eye • The liver of the tiger's feet. • Falcon's claw. • Nose, Mane, Lion's tail. A young dragon, whose head will not have horns, is called hornless dragon. If the dragon lived 500 years, he grew horns, called hornless dragon A dragon that lives 1000 years or more has long horns and grows wings, called Yinglong (winged dragon). Dragons are represented by legendary mascots with extraordinary powers. In some Asian countries, dragons are described as having a snake body, fish scales, lion's mane, deer horn, without wings but can fly. In China and other neighboring countries, the dragon is one of the four mascots: "Dragon, unicorn, turtle, phoenix". These four mascots are on