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Hydra is the name of a snake in myths and legends. The body is huge, with scales, and nine tails below the waist, dragging, and there is the sound of iron collision. There is a small hole at the end of each tail, which can be ejected, like a bullet. The legend of the Nine-Tails Snake was recorded by Yuan Shuang's Qing Dynasty: “Someone named Maoba, when he was young, went to Jiangxi to buy paper. That times, the paper workshop were in deep mountains. The people working in the workshop must stay. The night came, they all locked the door, did not go out. They said that in the mountains there are many different beasts, not only tigers and wolves. One very bright moonlight night, Mao could not sleep, wanted to open the door to see the moon. He relied on martial arts and could still bear it, so he opened the door to the outside. Not a few dozen steps away, suddenly saw dozens of monkeys, running to tears, picking a big tree to climb, Mao also peeked from afar. Not long after seeing a sn


According to legend, Zhu Rong is a descendant of Emperor Yan. Zhu Rong's image is very peculiar. Although he has a human face, it is the body of a beast. He was born to be able to use fire at will, which ordinary people couldn't. In this way, Zhu Rong was honored by people and became the god of fire. When Zhu Rong traveled, he rode two dragons. He was also known as regent of the southern quadrant of Heaven. He helped to divide heaven and earth from each other. Zhu Rong executed Gun after he stole heavenly soil and tried to stop a great flood.  One story tells how Zhu Rong and Gong Gong were jealous and began to wrestle and fight with each other in heaven, to determine who was the more powerful. Falling out of heaven, Zhu Rong managed to defeat Gong Gong, who was so ashamed that he tried to kill himself by running into a mountain, BUZHOU, but he only managed to cause a massive flood.


During the Fuxi period, Gonggong was a water god in the sky. He has a copper human head with an iron forehead, red hair, and the body of a serpent, or sometimes the head and torso are human, with the tail of a serpent and a very violent temperament. He is more than ten feet tall and powerful. There are two notorious deities under Gonggong: one is Xiangliu with nine heads. He had body of snake with nine heads, a blue body, with a cruel personality, greed, specializing in killing people for pleasure; the other is a cruel, evil spirit Fuyou, who is said to be able to see through people's hearts and thus confuse people. Gonggong is a bad water god, with a fierce temperament, lawless and an arrogant attitude. He often displays its supernatural powers on a whim, calling on the wind and calling for rain, harming the people of the world with floods, and turning a good land into a vast ocean. The people cried and screamed, suffering the sun and the moon. Although Gonggong is described by ma


Xiangliu is a flying snake, with nine heads, and eats countless people. It is the courtiers of Gonggong, the ancient water god. It was so massive that it could eat nine mountains at once.  It constantly vomits venom and forms a foul-smelling swamp with a bitter taste and the smell can even kill passing birds and beasts. Xiangliu has devastated ecosystems everywhere it goes. It was so greedy that all nine heads ate at the same time. Wherever he rested or breathed (or his tongue touched) became bogged down with poisonous bitter water, devoid of human and animal life. Together with Gonggong, it caused floods that harmed people. Xiangyou ate soil on the river banks everywhere, causing the floods on the river to continue overflowing, overflowing everywhere and engulfing the patches of earth. Yu who is appointed to manage the incoming water. Gonggong was unable to defeat Yu and was brutally imprisoned in exile. Xiangliu inherits Gonggong's legacy and continues to behave. Yu killed Xiangl


Yingzhao is the god of Huaijiang mountain, also the god that oversees Pingpu of the natural grassland under the Shiwei Emperor's rule. Yingzhao has a human face, horse body, tiger zebra, has wings on his back, so he can fly in the air and travel the world. Yingzhao has participated in hundreds of battles against evil gods and has been one of the patron of peace for generations. Yingzhao is also a friend of the flower god. Yingzhao is responsible for taking care of the group of divine beasts called Tulu. Although it looks like a sheep and has four horns, it is a man-eating beast. Yingzhao responsible for taking care of the group of sacred beasts named Tulu did not allow them to eat people. Yingzhao is also responsible for guarding the group of sacred birds named Qinyuan , and they are not allowed to eat people, wound people or other animals. Yingzhao is also responsible for looking after tree birds with six heads, as well as dragons, serpents , leopards , and various plants and anim

HUJIAO (Tiger dragon)

Hujiao is a man-eating water monster in ancient Chinese legend, a kind of Jiao - hornless dragon. Hujiao is like a snake, its head is like a tiger. Its body is round and scaly like a fish, and its tail is as long as a snake and the elderly are several feet long.  It has four legs and has The characteristics of dragons are as ferocious as tigers. It mostly lives under the rock caves of Xitan and sound like a cow. If the Jiao sees a pedestrian on the shore or in a valley, it will salivates him with the fishy mouth, causing the person to fall into the water, and suck his blood under his armpit until the blood is exhausted. People on shore and boat people often suffer from it. The Hujiao are dragons, but the dragon is different from the dragon. It can be seen that the dragon is an animal that is bounded by the dragon and the dragon. The dragon has lived for 500 years to become a dragon, and the dragon lives for a thousand years to become a dragon, and the dragon lives for another 500 years

JIAOLONG - hornless dragon

Jiaolong or jiao is a dragon in Chinese mythology, commonly defined as scaly dragon. According to some scholars, it has no horns and is said to live in water or rivers. It may refer to a species of crocodile or water beasts (including fish and snakes and other aquatic species) with dragon bloodline evolved into a real dragon as long as they survived disasters. They are all powerful. the power of dragon. Some of Jiao's descriptions are as follows: Jiao is a dragon that resembles a four-legged snake. Jiao has a small head and a narrow neck with a white goiter and it is an egg-laying animal that can swallow a whole person. The Jiao measures 10 feet or more in length. Snake-like in appearance, but it has four feet. The shape broad and shield-like, it is small-headed and thin-necked. On the neck there are white tassels. Its chest is sienna brown and its back flecked with blue-green spots. Its flanks resemble brocade-work. On its tail there are fleshy rings. The largest attain several ar


The Denglong or Wangtianhou, Chaotiānhou or simply Hou is a Chinese legendary creature. The Denglong has ten characteristics that resembles animals: horns like a deer, head like a camel, ears like a cat, eyes like a shrimp, mouth like a donkey, hair like a lion, neck like a snake, belly like a Shen, scales like a koi, front paws like an eagle, and rear paws like a tiger. There are many descriptions of this creature's origin: Legend has it that Denglong is one of the sons of the Dragon King, a kind of dragon. It has a habit of keeping watch. The dragon on the top of the Huabiao pillar roared at the sky, and it was regarded as uploading the will of the heavens and issuing the sentiments of the people (supervising the emperor). It is also documented that the mount of Guanyin Bodhisattva is "Denglong". There is also a saying that Denglong is the ancestor of Qilins. It can fly and is very fierce. The whole body was wrapped in fire. Dragons are also afraid of its fire. Its favo


Origin: from China Bi Fang is the bird god, the spirit beast is believed to represent the Fire God and the Wood God, living in the forest, born of fire. Bi Fang looks like a white crane, but has only one leg (in some places there is only one wing), red-spotted blue body, white beak. The whole body is made up of fire, extremely dazzling, shiny golden feather, blue-white eyes. Not eating cereals, this species' favorite food is fire so every appearance is a harbinger of a great fire. Bi Fang quoted from Shan Hai Jing: "Zhange Mountain, there is a bird, like a crane, with one leg, red stripes of black nature and white beak, the name Bi Fang, the sound of it calling itself. Wherever it appears, there is fire there." Legend has it that when the Yellow Emperor gathered ghosts and gods on Mount Tai , he rode a chariot drawn by six dragons, while Bi Fang waited on the chariot. As the Yellow Emperor's chariot keeper, and able to control six dragons, Bi Fang is a Spirit beast wi


Zhuyin, also known as Zhulong - is an extremely ancient god in Chinese mythology. He has been there since the time Pangu created the heavens and the earth. He Resides on Zhangwei Mountain north of the Chishui River, outside the Northwest Sea. He has a dragon body with a human face, thousands of staff long, bright red scales, bright eyes, and a torch in his mouth. According to legend, Zhuyin has great power, with open eyes, illuminating everywhere, representing daytime, with eyes closed, dark sky, representing dark sky, breathing in winter, breathing out in summer . He can control the rain and control the wind, neither eat or drink, nor sleep or rest. There is a theory that Zhuyin represents the sun, another says Zhuyin represents fire, and there is a theory that Zhuyin is the god of creation. According to ancient Chinese legend, in the early days, Zhuyin was the god that maintained the world. He opened his eyes day, closed his eyes at night, exhaled into the wind, rotating the four sea


Bai Ze lives on Kunlun Mountain, often depicted as a giant lion, with one or two horns on his head (or even in some versions depicting Bai Ze having more horns), in addition to two the main eye also has secondary eyes located along the sides of the body. It is a cow-shaped summoned beast or a giant lion with 9 eyes and six horns, flanked by 3 and 2 on each side, with a human-like face. The whole person is as white as snow, can speak human language, understand the emotions of everything in the world. It has very little contact with others unless a saint is then dominating the world. It is also often described as having a lion's body and eight eyes, and a head with one or more horns. However, there are various records of the number of sub-eyes of Bai Ze, and sometimes there is only one secondary eye in the middle of the forehead or a summoned beast with a head like a Qilin or a dragon, and beast's body. It could be a beast or a spirit beast with three eyes and two horns on its he


Kunpeng is the ancient spirit Beast appearing from the earliest times of the universe. It is a large flying fish, often inhabiting the North Sea. It is a giant fish that resides in the deep sea, after a long time, absorbs the spirit of heaven and earth, awakened instinct, longevity, growth in size over time, can leave the sea, leisurely in place of immense heaven. It was a spirit beast that had a long life, so to Kunpeng, for thousands of years it was still just a child. Kunpeng is described as a fish several thousand miles in size. When floating in the water, it looks like a big island. As they flew into the sky, their fins were like huge wings, and with a whole body several thousand miles large, Kunpeng's shadow was like a huge cloud covering the ground. Characteristic shape and properties Kunpeng has a large body like a gray whale, two large, strong hip fins, enough to lift his body to fly in the air. Kunpeng has a roaring roar that vibrates throughout the heavens. That cry is s


Nian is a creature in Chinese mythology Legend has it that in ancient times in China there was a very ferocious beast named Nian. It lives on the seabed all year round, and on New Year's Eve, it comes ashore to kill animals and harm people. There are many descriptions of this creature, such as how some sources claim it resembles a flat-faced lion with a dog body and large incisors or a large horn on its head. Other authors describe it as being larger than an elephant with two long horns and many sharp teeth. Some people even describe it as a monster with long tentacles, sharp teeth, fierce and ferocious eyes. Nian's weaknesses are sensitive to loud noise, fire, and a fear of red. Legend: This year's New Year's Eve, the people of Taohua Village were helping the old and young to take refuge in the mountain. An old begging old man came from outside the village. He saw him with a cane in his hand and a pouch with his arms in his pocket. Some of the villagers sealed windows

SANZUWU (Three-Legged Golden Crows / The sun)

Sanzuwu has the shape of a three-legged Black Crow. It is a creature found in a variety of myths and works of art in East Asia. It is believed to exist in East Asian culture and represents the sun. In Chinese myth and culture, it is depicted as a three-legged black crow. The whole body glows golden light. It have red eyes, shining like sunlight. The light it emits is the sun as we see it. The most common depiction and mythology of a Sanzuwu is the story of a Three-Legged Golden Crow named Yangwu or more commonly referred to as Jinwu Although it is often depicted as a raven or crow. Usually, it is usually red instead of black. According to folklore, there were initially ten Three-Legged Golden Crows born of the sun goddess Xihe and the god Di Qun. Each son was a Three-Legged Golden a sloar deity, charged with taking it in turns to travel across the sky to nourish the earth. Because, Three-Legged Golden Crow likes to eat two mythical immortal grass, one called Deri or "sun on the gr

PIXIU (Son of Dragon)

Origin: China Pixiu is a sacred animal in ancient Chinese myths and legends. It is very ferocious and powerful, has a patrol in the sky to prevent demons, ghosts and plagues. According to ancient records, Pixiu was a beast, one of the five great beasts in ancient times (dragons, phoenixes, turtles and Qilins), it was called a lucky beast. Pixiu is depicted as a tiger and leopard-like body, dragon-like head and tail, jade-yellow, covered with dragon-like scales, shoulders with wings but not stretched, head horns protruding backwards. According to legend, PiXiu is divided into male and female, male is called "Pixi" and female is called "Xiu". In ancient times, this animal had one or two horns, one horn was called Bixie and two horns is called Tianlu. Tian lu: This is a Pixiu with a majestic appearance, a big belly and butt, a very wide mouth on top with 2 Horns. Tian lu's main food is Gold, Silver and Treasures. Tian lu's feng shui meaning is to protect wealth

XUANWU (Black Tortoise /Northern - Black – Water /The Four Great God Beasts)

Origin: China  The four great beasts are what modern people call Qinglong, Baihu, Zhuque, Xuanwu. They are actually not divine beasts, but gods. In ancient times, they were also known as the four spirits of the sky. They are the product of the ancient star worship. The four beasts are integrated into the five elements and directions, represented by different colors: Eastern blue is wood, western white is gold, southern red is fire, northern black is water, and central yellow is soil. According to legend, Xuanwu was born in the early days of the universe. large Tortoise, surrounded by a snake. Xuanwu absorbed chaotic aura so he brought great power, to split mountains, to open the land. Xuanwul is a very ancient Chinese god. It is a god of Snake god and Tortoise Sprits, with a Tortoise -like body but surrounded by a snake. The snake itself is a symbol of fertility and proliferation, considered by the ancients as a symbol of mating, reproduction and reproduction of men and women. Whereas,

ZHUQUE (Vermilion Bird /Southern - Red – Fire /The Four Great God Beasts)

Origin: China  The four great beasts are what modern people call Qinglong, Baihu, Zhuque, Xuanwu. They are actually not divine beasts, but gods. In ancient times, they were also known as the four spirits of the sky. They are the product of the ancient star worship. The four beasts are integrated into the five elements and directions, represented by different colors: Eastern blue is wood, western white is gold, southern red is fire, northern black is water, and central yellow is soil. It is said that from the early chaos, humans and all animals did not exist, from the mass of Taiji light that split into heaven and earth and then wind, water, lightning and fire were born. Phoenix is a creature born of fire. It is the first Phoenix born in Heaven and Earth and is called Chu Tuoc to distinguish it from the great Phuong Hoang clan that was born later. Zhuque has a chicken head, a swallow chin, a snake neck, a peacock's tail, and five colors. Because the incarnation of the divine fire ca

BAIHU (White Tiger/ Western - White – Gold/ The Four Great God Beasts)

Origin: China  The four great beasts are what modern people call Qinglong, Baihu, Zhuque, Xuanwu. They are actually not divine beasts, but gods. In ancient times, they were also known as the four spirits of the sky. They are the product of the ancient star worship. The four beasts are integrated into the five elements and directions, represented by different colors: Eastern blue is wood, western white is gold, southern red is fire, northern black is water, and central yellow is soil Baihu is one of the Four Great Beasts, also born into chaos. It is shaped like a white tiger. Born in the early universe, Baihu absorbed the aura of heaven and earth. It is agile, powerful, and possesses majestic power and superior combat power, and can suppress all other creatures. Baihu has the characteristic of being patient but very definitive. Like the Dragon Dragon, when the celestial realms established it became one of the Four Great Beasts who took the responsibility of defending the West, conquerin

QINGLONG (Azure Dragon/Eastern - Blue - Wood/ The Four Great God Beasts)

Origin: China The four great beasts are what modern people call Qinglong, Baihu, Zhuque, Xuanwu. They are actually not divine beasts, but gods. In ancient times, they were also known as the four spirits of the sky. They are the product of the ancient star worship. The four beasts are integrated into the five elements and directions, represented by different colors: Eastern blue is wood, western white is gold, southern red is fire, northern black is water, and central yellow is soil Qinglong is blue. Its body resembles a giant snake with a Qilin head and a carp tail. The face has a long beard, horns like retirement, has five clams. A majestic appearance. In the West in mythology, Dragon more like lizard wings. Qinglong is one four great beasts that was born in chaos. It is due to the accumulation of celestial aura. It is the leading of the Four Great Beasts, a symbol of eternal greatness. Legend has it that Qinglong has the greatest strength, wisdom and strength because it is the combin

TÁOWÙ (The Four Evil Gods)

Origin: China Táowù is a ferocious ancient beast. It has a tiger-like body but is a fur dog. It has long feathers, a human face, tiger-like legs, and a wild boar's fangs, and a long tail. Sutra of Gods and Western Wilderness said: "The Western Wilderness has a beast that is as big as a tiger, two meters long hair, a human face, a tail of 8.5 meters long, rioting the Western Wilderness, named Táowù". Táowù is later used to refer to those who are by nature brutal, persistent in refusing to change. Legend has it: “Táowù is the son of Northern King Zhuan Xu. When he was still alive, he was incompetent, could not teach, did not choose words, told his best to be stubborn, left to stir, arrogant and brutal, often rebelled, people in the world called Táowù. Because he was a villain who could not teach, when he died he turned into the ancient magic beast - Táowù.