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Name 天龙,Tianlong Other names Celestial Dragon  Type Long dragon; god Size Tremendous Capacity Full power of dragons Color ??? Subtype(s) The heavenly dragon Parents ??? Children long Activity cycle ??? Diet ??? Origin Chinese mythology Terrain Heaven According to some sources, Tianlong is the first and only dragon born with the universe, later giving birth to other dragons. It is the strongest dragon possessing all the abilities of dragons, and is the ancestor of dragons. However, many other popular sources claim that Tianlong literally meaning is a flying dragon in Chinese mythology, is a divine flying dragon in Chinese mythology, is the guardian god of heaven.  True to the meaning of its name, Tianlong is a divine dragon that spends its entire life within the heavens. Its purpose is to guard the palaces of the Jade Emperor as well as his treasures. Tianlong Dragons look like ordinary five-clawed dragons but can be much larger, stronger, more powerful in comb


Lóng (Lung In Wade-Giles Romanization.)  The Chinese dragon, is a creature in Chinese mythology and is sometimes called the Oriental (or Eastern) dragon. Depicted as a long, snake-like creature with four legs, it has long been a potent symbol of auspicious power in Chinese folklore and art. This type of dragon, however, is sometimes depicted as a creature constructed of many animal parts and it might have the fins of fish, or the horns of a stag. • Azure Dragon a dragon that represents the east and the spring season, in Chinese mythology and one of the Four Symbols (Chinese constellation).[12] • Dragon King, a water and weather god in Chinese mythology. • Gonggong a destructive water god or monster in Chinese mythology • Yellow Dragon of the Center in Chinese mythology. • Fucanglong of the volcanic element, and god of crafting. • Tianlong, a celestial dragon in Chinese mythology. • Jiaolong, defined as a "scaled dragon", is a dragon in Chinese mythology. • Pan

Shan Hai Jing: Chinese mythology: Gods, beasts, mountains, rivers, plants

Shanhaijing is an ancient period book, transmitted from the Warring States Period and compiled in the early Han Dynasty, handed down until now, recognized as a collection of strange and precious books. In the book, there are more than 450 kinds of gods, each with a strange shape, generous supernatural powers. Records are estimated to have more than 40 local countries, 550 mountains, about 100 historical figures. It is the most preserved work of ancient mythological documents, which can be considered as the treasure of ancient Chinese mythology. The entire book has 15 volumes, divided into two large categories, Shan Jing and Hai Jing, with an estimated 31,000 words. The scope of relevant content is very wide, covering all aspects of content including geography, history, plants, animals, minerals, medicine, ghosts, gods, worship, tribes, etc. The author of this book according to the original title that it is Boyi 伯益, the ancestor of the Qin. In fact, this is not the work of one person or

Xuangui 旋龜

Another 370 miles to the east, it is the mountain Chuyang 杻陽. The side that is in the sunlight has a lot of red gold, and the side that is out of the sunlight has a lot of white gold. There is a beast, its form is like a horse but its head is white, its stripes are like a tiger but its tail is red, its voice is like a song, its name is Lùshǔ 鹿蜀, It is said that whoever wears its fur has many descendants. There is a strange water flowing out from this mountain to the east to join the Xianyi River, in the water there are many species of black fish, it looks like a turtle with bird's head and a snake-tailed "named ???" (a kind of poisonous snake), its name is Xuangui 旋龜, its sound is like knocking on a tree. People who wear its shell have very sensitive hearing, the shell can also be used to treat calluses.

Mystery creatures: Chinese mythology

Chinese mythical creatures are creatures (animals) in Chinese myths, legends, legends, and literary works, and have influence on other countries in the Eastern cultural region ASIAN. Chinese culture is diverse and rich with many myths, legends, thrilling folk tales, one of the themes of myths, legends and mysteries of China is about the myterious beasts (animals), commonly referred to as "Beasts" (with concepts such as divine beasts, summoned beasts, strange beasts, beasts). With my love for magical and powerful creatures, I researched and wrote this book so that people who share the same passion as me can read, learn, and think about these amazing creatures. See the book: Mystery creatures: Chinese mythology on amazon here TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: DRAGON CLASS. The Ancestor Dragon. Long (Dragon) Other descriptions of dragons. The dragon ball Hierarchy in the Long Dragon Class. The evolution of a pure-blooded Long Dragon. The evolution of the carp into a dragon (Yulong) T

The evolution of the carp27 into a dragon (Yulong28)

Carp is a lowly creature, not carrying the blood of dragons, but can turn into a dragon by passing Longmen (The Dragon Gate). In Chinese mythology, Longmen (The Dragon Gate) is located at the top of a waterfall cascading from a legendary mountain. The legend states that while many carp swim upstream against the river’s strong current, few are capable or brave enough for the final leap over the waterfall. If a carp successfully makes the jump, it is transformed into a powerful dragon. The Dragon Gate is located at the border of Shanxi and Shaanxi where the Yellow River flows through a cleft in the Longmen mountains, supposedly made by Yu the Great, who cut through the mountain. In the records about the transformation of the Carp into a Long Dragon, it is also clear that it takes 500 years to transform into a Yulong (the carp dragon) first. After that, having to go through more than a thousand years of cultivation to transform into a true dragon is not an easy thing. Many people think th

The evolution of a pure-blooded Long Dragon

In this process, there are five stages and four titles of "Yinglong Qiulong Chilong Jiaolong". The first stage is called the python, which is still not a dragon, the second stage is Jiaolong, the third stage is Chilong, the fourth stage is Qiulong, the Horned Dragon, and finally it becomes Yinglong. A pure-breed dragon is born which means both its father and mother are pure-breed dragons or born from a single pure-breed dragon, their status is always very high in the dragon race no matter what form they are in. An adult pure-breed dragon or two adult pure-breed dragons will spawn an egg together. The long egg will hatch a baby long shaped like a Python (long). Although it looks like a python and is not called dragon (long), it is still a true dragon. Python keeps living five hundred years in the water, then it grows dragon scales, grows legs and turned into a jiao or Jiaolong (different from Jiaolong or Jiao, the mixed-blood dragon). Now their appearance looks like a big and