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Tun mi lung

Tun mi lung,  also known as typhoon dragons, were dragons that were found in the oceans Description The largest of the lung dragons, tun mi lungs were physically distinguished by their enormous size, up to 167 feet (50.9 meters) in length. They had thick scales in various colors. Blue-green, dark red and violet were the most common scale color. They had small dark eyes and a whispy beard under their massive jaws, which were lined with razor-sharp teeth. Personality Tun mi lung were antagonistic, malicious and wild.[1] They were disliked by many creatures and other dragons. They did not respect the territory of other dragons. Lung wang and tun mi lung did not get along whatsoever. Combat A tun mi lung always attacked using divine wind and lightning bolt spells. When forced into melee combat, they casted darkness before launching an attack with claws and fangs. They had a weak kicking ability but could attack with their tail. Abilities A fierce tun mi lung dragon coiling through storming

T'ien lung

T'ien lung, also known as celestial dragons, were dragons that were found in the mountains  Description T'ien lungs were physically distinguished by their long, serpentine body and enormous size, up to 155 feet (47 meters) in length. They were born with dull gold scales but as they grew older the scales changed to a bright radiant yellow. Their scales gave off a sweet aroma, similar to cherry blossoms. Some t'ien lung had light green or orange scales. They had polychromatic beards, manes and whiskers. Their whiskers were long and rose over their heads like horns. Personality T'ien lungs tended to be smug and arrogant. Despite this they were noble and honorable. Pan lung resented and were fiercely jealous of t'ien lung and would sometimes attack one unprovoked in a jealous rage. Combat When threatened, a t'ien lung attempted to scare attackers with their breath weapon, a cone of fire 90 feet (27 meters) long and 30 feet (9 meters) wide at its base. If pressured i

Shen lung

Shen lung, also known as spirit dragons, were dragons that were found in the rivers and lakes  Description Shen lungs were physically distinguished by their enormous size, up to 151 feet (46 meters) in length. They resembled pan lung in appearance but were shorter and thicker. As hatchling they had dull scales that were either blue, green, orange or red. Sometimes polychromatic. As they aged, a shen lungs scaled brightened. A shen lung had ridges along its back, a spiked tail and two horns atop its head. Their gold-colored whiskers featured prominently on their snout. Personality Unlike most dragons, shen lung were modest. They maintained cordial relationships with nature spirits. Most shen lung would take human form to observe human life in villages, as they were fascinated by humans. Humans in Kara-tur regarded shen lung as messengers from the gods and a source of good luck, often constructing shrines and temples, and held ceremonies to gain favour of a local shen lung. Combat A shen

Pan lung

Pan lung, also known as coiled dragons, were dragons that were found in crypts and temples  Description Pan lungs were physically distinguished by their enormous size, up to 142 feet (43 meters) in length. They resembled shen lung in appearance but were longer and thinner. Born with grey scales, a pan lung can develop scales in a number of colors. Green, orange and red scales were the most common. Its scales were naturally oily, which made them shimmer in sunlight. They had a polychromatic mane that surrounded its neck, and had dark whiskers. Personality Pan lungs were unconcerned with the affairs of other lung dragons and would only work with other dragons if ordered to do so by the Celestial Bureaucracy. They resented and were fiercely jealous of t'ien lung and would sometimes attack one unprovoked in a jealous rage. Combat Taking the time to evaluate their enemies, a pan lung would wait until they have fully appraised the skills and limitations of an adversary before attacking.

Lung wang

Lung wang, also known as sea dragons, were dragons that resided in the oceans Description Lung wangs were physically distinguished by their enormous size, up to 135 feet (41 meters) in diameter. Lung wangs were a distant relative of dragon turtles. They had a large shell covered in thick green scales spotted with silver scales. Covering its neck and head were smaller, lighter green scales spotted with golden scales. Its front legs were large flippers, usually 80% of the length of its shell, and each had two extremely sharp talons at the end. A lung wang's head resembled that of a shen lung, with long, flowing golden whiskers. Personality Lung wang maintain genial relationships with other lung dragons, especially with shen lung, but avoid tun mi lung. They maintained friendly relations with ocean creatures, such as hai nu, ningyo, sharks and whales. Lung wangs demanded tribute from ships or creatures entering their territory. If a ship was required to pass regularly into a lung wang

Li lung

Li lungs, also known as earth dragons, were dragons that resided deep inside the earth Description Li lungs were physically distinguished by their enormous size, up to 120 feet (36 meters) in length. Unlike most dragons, they lacked scales, and instead were covered in a coarse black fur the texture of metal wire. Only hatchlings had scales, usually light green in color. As they grew older, the scales were shed and replaced with fur; usually by the time a li lung was a juvenile, the scales were completely gone. A li lung had an unusual appearance. Its body and tail resembled that of a lion, yet it had a face similar to a humanoid. Its tail was adorned with colorful feathers similar to a peacock. The li lung was the only lung dragon with wings. ersonality They lived a solitary life and rarely associated with other dragons, unless forced to under orders from the Celestial Bureaucracy. Combat They tried to avoid combat, choosing to bury themselves in the earth until an attacker gave up and

Chiang lung (River dragon)

Chiang lungs , also known as river dragons, were wingless lung dragons that inhabited bodies of water in Kara-Tur. Chiang lungs were physically distinguished by their enormous size, up to 158 feet (48 meters) in length. Their scales were various shades of green or blue, with a yellow underside. They had long, white horns that grew from their heads, and adults had multi-colored beards. As they were polymorphs, they were frequently seen in human form only. Biology Chiang lungs were omnivores. Their diet consisted of minerals, gems, fish, sheep, or other large mammals. Their lairs were usually frequented by lesser spirits, who acted as aides or bodyguards. At birth they could immediately breathe both water and air. Despite being wingless, they could fly thanks to magical blue pearls which were embedded in their brains. Combat Chiang lung would avoid combat when possible, but were savage fighters nonetheless. In melee combat they used their claws, fangs and tails which inflicted severe dam