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Showing posts from October, 2023


To distinguish it from the word dragon, the word that is common to all dragon subgroups below includes: Wyvern, Amphiptere, Wyrms, Drakon, Salamaner, Drake, Hydra, Serpent, I will call these dragons Primitive Dragon or Ancient Dragon. Despite being in the same group of dragons, the primitive dragons have large bodies and superior strength compared to other dragon classes. They also have outstanding intelligence and the highest status in the dragon clan, possibly equivalent to the true long – Zhenlong (Oriental Dragon) Primitive Dragon are always described that has the form of a four-legged (this is the difference between Primitive Dragon and other dragon forms) carnivorous dinosaur with two rather large hands that can be grasped, has two pointed horns, large and wide wings capable of lifting its weight in the air. It has hard-iron and supple scales that extend to its tail, no weapon can damage it, but it has weaknesses in its eyes and tongue. It can spit fire or water or other elements

Long (Chinese dragon)

Character Profile Name Long  Other names Loong, lung, Oriental dragon, Eastern dragon, Chinese dragon Type/Species Snake-like dragon, hybrid creature, scaly creature, the god Size Various sizes from large to extremely giant Capacity Individual longs will possess one or more of the following abilities: Control rain, water, wind, thunder, fire, wood, ground, metal… Color Each individual will have different colors, such as: white, black, red, blue, yellow... Subtype(s) Unknown Parents Long Children Long, jiaolong… Activity cycle Unknown Diet Unknown Origin Chinese mythology Terrain The water, the caves, the sky, the mountains The Chinese dragon, also known as the loong, long or lung (Chinese: 龍 / 龙), is a legendary creature in Chinese mythology, Chinese folklore, and Chinese culture at large. Chinese dragons have many animal-like forms such as turtles and fish, but are most commonly depicted as snake-like with four legs. They traditionally symbolize potent and