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Chiang lung (River dragon)

Chiang lungs , also known as river dragons, were wingless lung dragons that inhabited bodies of water in Kara-Tur. Chiang lungs were physically distinguished by their enormous size, up to 158 feet (48 meters) in length. Their scales were various shades of green or blue, with a yellow underside. They had long, white horns that grew from their heads, and adults had multi-colored beards. As they were polymorphs, they were frequently seen in human form only. Biology Chiang lungs were omnivores. Their diet consisted of minerals, gems, fish, sheep, or other large mammals. Their lairs were usually frequented by lesser spirits, who acted as aides or bodyguards. At birth they could immediately breathe both water and air. Despite being wingless, they could fly thanks to magical blue pearls which were embedded in their brains. Combat Chiang lung would avoid combat when possible, but were savage fighters nonetheless. In melee combat they used their claws, fangs and tails which inflicted severe dam


The smallest of the lung dragons described as dragons with the head and fins of a giant fish, yu lung only grew up to 35 feet (10 meters) in length. Their body and tail were similar in appearance to those of a giant carp. They had blue-grey scales with colored markings. Their eyes were yellow and looked like a cat's eyes. Their two arms were tipped with sharp claws. A long beard flowed from under their snout. Personality Yu lung were docile, shy, and withdrawn. They were friendly with other aquatic species, and would even befriend humans. Combat Yu lung avoided combat as much as possible. If they were cornered, they would lash out with their fangs and claws. As a young adult, their jaws could be unhinged and could swallow a humanoid whole. Abilities A yu lung lacked the ability to polymorph self and invisibility, abilities other lung dragons possessed. The only innate magical abilities a yu lung possessed were bless and curse, which they could cast three times a day. Once a day, th


Korean Yong Lifespan: 1000 years The Korean Yong is a long thin dragon making it a subspecies of the Asian Lung. The Yong is the biggest lung species being 50 feet long and 8 to 10 feet high. They are narrower and longer than Chinese Lung and (contrary to popular opinion) can also be distinguished by having 4 toes relative to a Lung's 5 or Ryu's 3 and can also be noted to have larger scales than other species and fewer spines. Another thing that differentiates Korean dragons from other dragons is that they have longer beards. Also, you’ll usually see a Korean dragon with an orb, which is known as a “Yeouiju – 여의주” in Korean. This is a Cintamani, or wish-fulfilling jewel. It can be held in its claws or mouth. It’s believed that whoever holds a Yeouiju has the power of omnipotence and creation. Another feature that differentiates Korean dragons is that they have four toes to hold and wield the Yeouiju, as opposed to lesser three-toed dragons. However, unlike the western idea of d

Lung dragon

There were eight known species of lung dragon Yu lung (Carp dragon; the larval stage for the rest of the lung dragons) Chiang lung (River dragon) Li lung (Earth dragon) Lung wang (Sea dragon) Pan lung (Coiled dragon) Shen lung (Spirit dragon) T'ien lung (Celestial dragon) Tun mi lung (Typhoon dragon) Abilities Unlike most other dragons, most lungs did not have breath weapons. Instead, they had other powerful magical abilities, which varied among their kinds. All lung dragons could detect the thoughts of other creatures. They could turn invisible at will and polymorph into the shape of just about any small to large creature that they wanted. Lung dragons could also shift to other planes of existence. Personality Unlike chromatic and metallic dragons, lung dragons had a wide range of moral and ethical alignments. Society Most lung dragons were members of the Celestial Bureaucracy, serving with specific tasks, depending on the species of lung. At the very least, lung dragons spoke the


The Basilisk is a legendary serpent present in mythologies like greek, it is known as the king of serpents. It is described as a huge serpent with a golden crown, or a black or red plumage on his head. His glance is so powerful, being capable of kill someone. One of the only ways of killing Basilisk is, making himself look his eye with something like a mirror, if it's get closer. The Basilisk is so cruel, that while it can't kill animals with his mortal glance, it kills vegetation, making them dry. 


Cockatrice is a mythical creature of medieval Europe, it is described as a monster with the head of a rooster and the hind body of a dragon, it walks on two legs. A colorful dragon (usually they will be red or green, the lower part is yellow). They also have a layer of scales that cover their bodies like feathers. Cockatrices are poisonous and will attack anything that moves with their beak. Cockatrice is born from the egg of a rooster, which is then hatched by a toad or snake. Cockatrice can kill people with its venom or breath. Just by looking at Cockatrice's eye, the victim will turn to stone immediately. Cockatrice's only enemies are skunks, which are immune to all magic and can kill Cockatrice with its distinctive odor. The crowing of the rooster is said to kill Cockatrice instantly. Like the head of Medusa, the cockatrice's powers of petrification were thought still active after death.


A wyvern was a large winged lizard, distantly related to the dragon, with a poisonous stinging tail and sharp teeth. Description These creatures varied in length from 15​ to ​35 feet (4.6​ to ​11 meters), weighed around a ton, and were covered in dark brown or grey scales. They typically had either red or orange eyes and their jaws were filled with long and sharp teeth. Unlike true dragons, wyverns only had a pair of hind legs instead of a set four. Their wingspan could get over 50 feet (15 meters) in length. And their tails were often quite long, comprising almost half of their bodies, yet very mobile. These ended in a thick cartilage knot with a stinger protruding out of it, not unlike that of a scorpion. Telltale sounds that these creatures produced included loud hisses and throated growls, similar to the vocalizations of alligators. Behavior Wyverns were aggressive and not greatly intelligent. They were not averse to attacking anything less powerful than themselves. Their sleek, st


Dragons are the most famous and appear a lot in Western culture. They are described as having a large body, a layer of hard iron like scales covering from head to tail, their heads may have horns, antlers or crests. In particular, they have large and powerful wings that are shaped like bat wings, allowing them to fly in the sky. Dragon can easily speak in human language, enchant the enemy, plot schemes, sometimes even magic. These dragons can also breathe fire and breathe smoke. There is an outstanding feature that these dragons are completely resistant to human magic. In Russian fairy tales or of some peoples in Europe, the dragon is often depicted as a scaly reptile with a long neck and tail, four legs and wings, often with a head that breathes fire and can fly. These heads are capable of growing on their own if the old head is cut off. Some dragons have only one head and have a short, crooked snout like an eagle's beak. Also according to Western tales: dragons are often tasked w


A species of dragon similar to Drake but its distinguishing feature is having many heads. Every time a head is cut off, two more will grow back. Hydra species usually live in aquatic environments. According to Greek mythology, Hydra is a dragon with 7 or 9 heads, the child of Echidna and Typhon. When you cut off its head, two new heads grow from the cut. One of Hercules' 12 feats was to slay this dragon. Greek literature and poetry have mentioned the Hydra monster many times with versions, but it is best known as the monster that was slain by the hero Hercules. This Hydra monster is known as the "Hydra of Lerna" because it lives in a swamp in the Lernaean region of Greece. According to legend, defeating the Hydra is impossible because cutting off one of its heads means that two more will grow in its place. To defeat this Hydra monster, the hero Hercules devised a way to burn the wounds of the heads that had just been cut off with fire so that new heads could not grow. Jus


This dragon has 4 limbs and they look like a lizard, but their size is much larger, their legs are also longer and especially they can stand upright on 4 legs. The word drake is sometimes used synonymous to dragon, but it could also mean a specific kind of dragon. There are different opinions on what a drake is: Any kind of wingless, four-legged dragon A small or young dragon, those are also called dragonlings, wyrmlings or dragonet These classifications stem from modern fantasy and are not found in classical mythology. Sometimes they are a mixture of fantasy and myth. According to some point of view, there are two kinds of drakes, fire-drakes and cold-drakes. Fire drakes have a fire breath and fiery colors like red or orange. Cold drakes however breathe frost breath and are white or light blue. This classification is most likely based on Tolkiens works, where fire drakes and cold drakes are a way to classify if a dragon could breathe fire or not. Cold drakes simply couldn't breath


Salamaner is a creature deified as a dragon that has a body like a giant snake but has many legs and moves extremely fast. Salamaner breathes out and has the ability to breathe fire, accompanied by large fangs and bright, wide eyes. The salamander is as with many real creatures, often has been ascribed fantastic and sometimes occult qualities by pre-modern authors (as in the allegorical descriptions of animals in medieval bestiaries) not possessed by the real organism. The legendary salamander is often depicted as a typical salamander in shape, with a lizard-like form, but is usually ascribed an affinity with fire, sometimes specifically elemental fire. Salamanders have been said to be able to both create and put out flames, and in some cases are borne of fire themselves and are considered Fire Spirits. However, in other stories they are merely fire resistant. In fairy legend salamanders are credited with having taught the first humans how to make fire. There are versions of their orig


The dragons of ancient Greece were like huge serpents several millennia older than dragons. They had no wings or legs.  The English word dragon comes from the Greek word “drakon.” This word originally meant huge serpent. Ancient Greek dragons lived in caves near water. They often guarded springs, shrines and treasures. They had excellent eyesight and often slept with their eyes open. They could grow up to forty metres in length and their body contained poisonous black gore. They had a golden crest on top of their head that flashed light and a triple-forked tongue that absorbed nutrients to make venom. They would kill their victims by injecting venom into them with their fangs, or by squeezing them to death. They also made a blood-chilling hissing sound. They were first mentioned in The Sea of Monsters and are later seen in The Battle of the Labyrinth, The Last Olympian, The Demigod Diaries and The House of Hades. One drakon mentioned in the myths was of Sosipolis, a son of Eileithyia,


Wyrms were an ancient race of dragons, said to be capable of destroying cities and armies on their own strenght. According to Eastern culture, they are often represented as Gods or Kings, have protective and religious properties, so they are very revered. Wyrm belongs to the type of earth dragon. Wyrm is described as having the body shape of a long and extremely large snake (probably the body of a giant python), the head is like a dragon's head, often seen with horns, legs, scales, and claws of dragons. However, there is still a certainty and unity among cultures that Wyrm can still fly, even though it has no wings. Wyrm can spray poison and sometimes fire. They live mainly in burrows near marshes, or in moist places. They swim quite well, but infrequently. Wyrm also doesn't have the ability to speak or the wisdom of Dragons Wyrm's direct ancestors were most likely the giant Greek drakons. Perhaps over time, moving places and deep in the continent caused the Wyrm to be form


An Amphiptere (also called Amphithere, Amphitere, or Phipthere; meaning bi-winged, two-winged) is a type of winged serpent found in European heraldry. There are three species of amphiptere, (Draco americanus tex, Draco americanus mex, Draco americanus incognito) living in the Americas. This is a species of dragon that is a cross between a snake and a bird, where they have a snake body from head to tail and have wings. Amphipteres generally were said to have light-colored feathers like a sunrise, a serpentine body similar to a snake, bat-like wings with feathers covering most of the forearm and often greenish in coloration, and a long tail much like a wyvern's . Others are described as entirely covered in feathers with a spiked tail, bird-like wings, and a beak-like snout that looks like an extra claw. Even more uncommon is the description of one with legs. However, they only have front legs and never hind legs.